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Help Us Be Men

By Wil C. Fry, Sept. 25, 2000, 02:30

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

You can take your polls
Make your lists
To sell your magazine
To gullible young women
You tell them what WE want
How they should shape themselves
Paint themselves dress themselves
How the hell can you be so shallow?
And I heard the comedian
With his gross generalizations
And I laughed along with
The rest of you
But I can tell you
It’s no longer
Making me laugh
Do you really want to know
What we want from you?
We want your softness to ease the abrasion from our hard lives
We want your confidence when we think less of ourselves
We don’t mind that you are intelligent,
as long as you don’t make us look stupid
We just want someone who won’t drain us, who won’t
Take our money, our self-respect
Cosmo, keep your beauty tips
Vogue, you can save your breath
Just tell your women
To help us be men.

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