I Don’t Understand

By Wil C. Fry, June 28, 2000, 22:28:01

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

I don’t understand why men beat up women
I don’t know why people watch Richard Simmons
I don’t understand why women wear makeup
I don’t know why the really good bands always break up
I don’t understand why the North hates the South
Why it’s so enticing to put a gun in my mouth
I don’t know why it’s so important to be so cool
I don’t understand how a woman turns me into a fool
I don’t know why I have to pay Income Taxes
Or why, if we have “email”, people still send faxes
I don’t get the reason behind all the gas price wars
Since we’ve already invented good electric cars
I don’t understand how the “Academy” makes their choices
I don’t know why the ugliest women have the sexiest voices
I can’t figure out why a cell phone is charged by the minute
And when someone starts a fad, why do you have to be in it?
I don’t understand why smoking should be punished by law
When I’m already punished enough by my lungs being raw
I don’t understand why stupid people drive
Or why the news comes on at five
But I won’t sit and watch, as the world goes by
I’ll keep asking questions, till I understand why

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