I Melt

By Wil C. Fry, April 22, 2000, 18:25

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Wind-swept and flowing hair, lightly brown upon slightly tanned skin
Lips open in a smile, and those brown eyes that might let me in
She stood in a field, bathing in the flowers, soaking in the sun
Naked soul floating while she embarks on a midnight run

Heart unscathed by those surrounding troubles so far away
Her kindness a bandage for the scars of my painful days
Her mind an open vessel, quick and smiling and bright
Though I still stand in darkness, I can feel the warmth of her light

Am I dreaming again, or does she stand before me with open arms?
How can she appear so delicate, in this world filled with harm?
How can she look upon me, and this grime-covered soul?
Can her love and understanding begin to fill this hole?

Floating in a bubble of beauty, perhaps she is a ghost
If she belongs to our race, oh, how we could boast!
Appearing out of nowhere, disappears with the mists of dawn
Her spirit with the porpoise, unicorn and the fawn

Bliss and sweet joy arise in a soul that has been so cold
Bastions of fear, anger and doubt begin to quickly fold
Her touch feathery, her voice a sunbeam, and music to the weary
Energy and color phantoms, though these eyes are bleary

There is no hope of withstanding those surreal and blessed charms
My heart is fed with the bounty of a thousand loving farms
And I melt, I collapse, I hurt with the pain of newfound gladness
And wave goodbye to the sinking ship of long-felt sadness

The really sad part of this ditty is that I imagined the whole thing... She’s not out there

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