I Wish They Would All Go Away

By Wil C. Fry, July 21, 2000, 00:34

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Walking down the street
Wondering who I’ll meet
And wishing they would go away
Hold my head in my hands
Not even trusting friends
And wishing they would go away

Can’t stand it anymore
Writhing on the floor
About out of choices
Still hearing the voices
I still can’t see the top
Please, someone, make it stop

When I come home at night
Nothing that I see is right
I wish it would all go away
Summer’s bugs in full force
And deathly heat, of course
I wish it would all go away

Can’t stand it much longer
Peace-loving warmonger
Made the wrong decisions
‘Cause of voices and visions
I still can’t see the top
Please, someone, make it stop

People, they are boring
As they talk, I’m snoring
I’m wishing they would all go away
I look up, they’re still there
So I pull out my hair
And wish they would all go away

Can’t stand it anymore
Gasping on the floor
What good are the choices
If I still hear the voices?
If I can’t see the top,
Isn’t it time to stop?

I wish they would all go away
And not just the voices
I wish they would all go away
And not just the choices

I wish they would all go away
Please, just leave me alone
I hate to pick this bone
It’s all I’ve ever known
Why I don’t have a phone
Why I still sleep alone
Need to get my own home
Please, just leave me alone

Don’t talk to me again
Go find another friend
Bother them with your sin
Do I have to say it again?

I want to be alone
Without you, without you
I want to be alone
Without you, and you too

I’m tired of the voices
I’m tired of the choices
I’m tired of

Go away.

The "voices" in this poem refer to real-life people bugging me, not to the voices in my head.

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