Keep On Giving

By Wil C. Fry, May 13, 2000 (Saturday)

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Unscrupulous agent monsters, dredging up the dregs
Is it better to have your fifteen minutes of fame
Or to rot alone with your art?
Is your emotion so unimportant
That you should be the only one to experience it
Or is the pool already so full of the feelings of others
That yours will make no impact
Will the effort to disseminate
Your own viewpoint
Become so tiring that your art suffers?
Living life is tiring enough, without the added pressure
Of pleasing consumers
On the one hand: Living, loving, breathing, feeling
On the other: Selling, advertising, contracting, selling out...
What is the price of a soul
And its excrement?
I give, and I give, until I fall
But so does everyone else
Just keep on giving

After watching about three hours of MTV, a show about one-hit wonders.

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