Long Enough To Believe In

By Wil C. Fry, May 15, 2000 02:20:02 (Monday)

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

There is so much to find in the great blue world
Holding out her hands old and tired
Offering anything that you will jump up and take
And some are just way too tired to accept
While some are too wary
And others just grab it all
Never looking back on those they walked over
I’m just waiting for the right incentive
Money was never enough
Sex was never enough
And love never lasted long enough for me to believe in

Sometimes in those glorious eyes I see something
A heart reaching, so willing and young
Offering anything that I will jump up and take
Sometimes I’m just way too tired to make the effort
While I’m also scared
And I know I could grab it all
Never looking back on the broken hearts
I’m just waiting for the right incentive
I don’t want her money
And sex would be nice
But love never lasted long enough for me to believe in

Her tender naked soul staring out at me, praying
Holding out her hands young and soft
I know I want to risk it all again, just for her
But I know what will happen if I go there
‘Cause I’m still not ready
Not ready to take her in
I can’t bear the thoughts of hearts cracked
There is no “right reason” to love
And you can keep your money
Keep all your sex
But love never lasted long enough for me to believe in

In her eyes are the pains of a thousand flames burning
In her touch is the wasted tenderness that I know I need
In her hands is the healing of strong medicine
In her blood flows yearning and desire for the years
In her love is gold and candles aflame with heat
In her arms is comfort, rest, sleep and peace
I almost fall into the spell of that final resting place
But love never lasted long enough for me to believe in

So why should I believe it now?

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