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Love And Hate In The U.S.A.

By Wil C. Fry, Oct. 12, 2000, late morning

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Don’t like prejudice or bigotry
Because it arises from small-minded men with low self-esteem
And makes some work harder
To prove that they are worth our respect

Don’t like income taxes
Because so much money comes out of our tiny paychecks
And I have to work so hard
To see such small results of my money’s work

Don’t like “affirmative action”
Because it’s just as bad as bigotry, except it’s backward
And it’s defeated its own purpose
And creates division between people who should get along

But I like Democracy
Because it gives each of us a chance to have our say
And, except for the presidential election
They count all our votes, and all our votes count

And I like our Republic
Because it allows us to elect a few to do the work of many
And anyone can be elected
At least that’s what we’ve been told

And I like Liberty
Because I can walk across the street without a passport
And I can buy a gun
Or write a book about nearly anything I want

But don’t label me
Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or Communist
Because it won’t fit
And I don’t like labels — at all.

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