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Make Me Guilty

By Wil C. Fry, Aug. 17, 2000, 14:30

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

My suburb is a facade, you tell me
So I buy the pack of lies you sell me
And now I learn my money is filthy
Hey, wait... are you trying to make me guilty?

The Indians? I never killed a one
The slaves? I didn’t bring ‘em over here
The oil spills? I never spilled a ton
But, still, please, forgive me, mother dear
The inner cities? I didn’t slum them down
I just don’t like to wake up in fear
And I was smart enough to get out of town
So, please then, forgive me, mother dear

Is it my fault? The starving children far away
So now I’m guilty, just because I ate twice today...
And I’ve heard that the ozone is peeling away
And you tell me that’s why the skies are gray
Yes, I know that your heart’s been rended
But after I say this, you’ll just be offended:
Okay, so I drink, and once or twice, I drove
But I didn’t hit your little girl out on the road

So, quit playing this little game of blame
I’m not the bad guy, even if we look the same
I didn’t p**s in your Cheerios, so I don’t see
Why you’re always dumping your s**t on me.

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