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Or “Young Heart”

By Wil C. Fry, April 14, 2000, 01:30

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Your periscope into the world
gives only a bird’s eye view
it’s all fun and games till someone has to pay a bill
to you, all money is “fun money”
but some of us are only a paycheck
away from living under a bridge
or reading by candlelight
your daddy bought your car
your mommy cooked your supper and packed your lunch
your clothes might impress your friends
but mine keep me warm
Your periscope into the real world
won’t tell you what it feels like
to drink because it’s necessary
while you’re drinking to have fun
I buy things because I need them
you buy them to throw them away
I clean my room because I live there
not because someone told me to
but don’t worry, young heart
one day, you’ll be here,
wishing you were still
looking up through
your cute little

I later wrote an Addendum to this poem.

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