Put Me Down

By Wil C. Fry, April 22, 2000, 18:00

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

How does it feel to watch a soul die?
Knowing that you could have stopped the bleeding
How does it feel to ignore another’s pain?
But instead you joined in on the feeding
And there he rests, resting not in peace,
and even God stands a ways apart
How do you keep such an evil thing from finding its evil start?

Or are we back to the falsehood that you are the center of the universe?
I can forgive you for that, since I am the center of mine, and cursed
So go on, eat your young, consume the joy, spit out the dung
Set the ladder on fire, and make sure to break every rung

Not that it matters, since I wasn’t climbing anyway
I like to sit on the steps, eating an apple and swallowing the seeds
As the world turns, rolling down the track, oozing hate and excess
I guess I deserve my fate — “we make our own future”, don’t we?

Since you’re not using your shovel, could I borrow it?
I’m currently working on a project called “Digging my own grave”
Oh, you want to help?
Thanks, man, ‘cause I’d be digging forever, by myself
It’s good to know that there are kind people like you out there,
who will assist in the destruction of a life

It wasn’t good enough that I stabbed myself in the back, right?
I need your helping hand to nail this coffin down real tight
And without you, who would put the dirt back in the hole?
Or inscribe the epitaph: “He should have sold his soul”

I know I’m the selfish type, but I’m willing to give you some credit
And when, as a ghost, I write my memoirs, I’ll need someone to edit
So, no, your work here is not even close to being done
Here you go, I’ve made a list that weighs almost a ton

Poke me in the eye, and don’t forget to hit my scrotum with a bat
And twist that knife around a bit when you’ve finished with that
Make sure that enema has a lot of splinters, and breaks off inside
Strap me to the bottom of your car, and go for a speed-bump ride

I haven’t suffered enough to really enjoy this, you know
So feed me live scorpions and make sure to laugh as you go
Read me words that make no sense while water drips on my head
Then sneak in at night, and pour some rancid piss on my bed

How does it feel to leave me out in the cold?
And then wave at me from the inside
How does it feel to watch me starve?
While you eat and throw your leftovers aside
I hope it feels good to you, ‘cause I’m enjoying every single day
I really hope you remember it, ‘cause, soon, I’ll be going away

To: My alternate personality, who also helped to write a few lines and to the management of McDonald’s, Jacksonville Ark.

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