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Saint Valentine’s Day

By Wil C. Fry, Feb. 15, 2000, 15:00 (Tuesday)

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Another holiday has come and gone
And, yes, my heart is still in hock
I wore a black armband yesterday
I have several of them in stock

In my heart, I blew a kiss to my one true love
I hope she caught it, and I hope she smiled
I hope I meet her someday, down the road
So she can erase the names I’ve compiled

Another sunrise edged up over the hills
Another breath of air filled my hopeful soul
Another song floated past my deafened ears
And I still haven’t reached one simple goal

In my heart, I shook my head and smiled
I knew that the day would pass like any other
We went on about our business, like always
Last night, I lay down, thinking, “why bother?”

In my dream, I saw her again, though only briefly, and her hair was tossed over her shoulders.
Her eyes were flashing with delight and curiosity as she leapt from the safety of the airplane
Into empty air.
I followed, forgetting all fear and trepidation, wanting only to see that smile again, those lips
Curled into such a brilliant smile.
I woke before I landed, wondering if I caught her
Or lost her again.
Tonight, as I sleep, I will try again.

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