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Sometime, my friend

By Wil C. Fry, Feb. 7, 2000, 04:31

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

I’ll see you sometime, my good friend
And we’ll talk, I’m not sure when...
I’m still getting out of the rut I’ve been in
And, maybe, one day, I’ll be myself again
I haven’t forgotten the times we’ve had
The times I was good — tho’ sometimes bad
We’ve seen each other happy, and a few times sad
I just hope that Life won’t drive me MAD.
I’ll see you soon, my good friend...

To: Everyone I've neglected while my life is a pile of crap.

Alternate version, found in an email to Jan Hinshaw, written March 12, 2001:

We’ll meet again, my good friend
Tho’ I’m not sure just when
We’ll remember all the old times
And sing to the same old lines
All the times that were happy & sad
The times were were both good & bad
No one can take those away
And I know I’ll see you again someday

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