Summer Childhood Saturday

By Wil C. Fry, June 20, 2000, 21:02

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Saturday morning cartoons
Hope to see the conclusion, since breakfast is almost ready
Can’t smell the grass yet, because I’m about to cut it
The Oklahoma sun climbs on,
never as tired as I’ll be by the end of the day
Weeds to pick, grass to mow, trees to trim
Brush to burn, garden to water, tanning the skin
Zenith still awaits, but hunger already burns
Replenish the body with the best of country cooking
Dig a posthole for the new fence
Drop off a chunk of hay for the cattle
Finally, a moment’s rest to wipe off sheets of sweat
Wandering mind, dreaming of fantastic things
Weeds are the enemy, grass is our friend
The mower is a hovership of great flaming destruction
The barn is a space station, home of the galactic federation
The fence is the perimeter, warring aliens kept at bay
Eventually, the yellow heat turns to orange
Cooling winds bring relief to the land and those that work it
More water for the cows
Clean up the tools — park the hovership in its hangar
Drag the hose back to the porch
Time to wash up, with every bone aching and every muscle straining
Another wonderful meal
And we sit around together, too tired to move
And no television to rot our brains
A word or two from the Word
A prayer for health, protection and growth
A glow of love wraps us up
As we fall into our beds and close our sunburnt eyes
Another Saturday come and gone
Progress? I think so

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