These Are The Things (2)

By Wil C. Fry, April 28, 2000, 02:15:03

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Thousands of youthful, naked slaves
Glimmering mountains of uncoined gold
Hidden retreats inside utopian caves
Different lovers daily for me to hold
    These are the things I want to have
Skyscraper-sized movie screens with stadium sound
To watch, retreat, to think, imagine and BE
A copy of every recorded song ever found
Jeweled computer stereo to play them for me
    These are the things I want to have
Island tropical nation, surrounded by deep blue sea
Middleways, a mansion like an iceberg of bliss
Cavernous rooms, cathedral halls, immense times three
Fountains, balconies, gardens — no eyesore, this
    These are the things I want to have
Smoothly applied massages, with exotic oil
Automobiles of every color, size and shape
Wealth enough to never again stoop and toil
Brightly gay floral arrangements dotting the landscape
    These are the things I want to have
The listening, curious ear of every world leader
Front row season tickets for every arena on the globe
Walls, halls, floors and ceilings of Mediterranean cedar
Glittering, golden, custom-fit daytime robe
    These are the things I want to have
Stockpiled weapons of every caliber and brand
Ammunition to last throughout my life
Daily sunbathing on beaches of smooth white sand
An end to pain, loneliness, confusion and strife
    These are only some of the things I want to have.

This is a sequel to These Are The Things (1999).

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