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They Say II

By Wil C. Fry, Feb. 20, 2000, 03:45

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

They say you’re SO nice
They say you’re SO cute
And that any girl would be happy to be with you
But they’re full of s**t

They say they’ll do anything for you
They say that you’re their best friend
They say they know someone who’ll get with you
But they’re full of s**t

They say that they trust you
They say that they love you
But right now they’re trying to fix the rest of their life
But they’re full of s**t

They say you’re the perfect guy
They say you’re quite a catch
And that they wish they’d met you way back when
But they’re full of s**t

She has no idea what she wants
She has no idea how to make you happy
And she’ll probably never straighten it all out
Because she’s full of s**t.

Originally, only the first eight lines were in this poem. The last 12 lines were added later, at an known date — likely still in 2000.

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