Underneath These Trees I Find My Confusion

(Sestina #1)

By Wil C. Fry, Sept. 5, 2000, 20:20

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Underneath these trees I find my confusion
Scraped by these thorns, I learn to enjoy the pain
The wind that slips through it all is the music
And creatures surround become furry friends
Breathing intimate airs that course unto life
Relaxing in these woods that I’ve come to love

If only you could join me here and feel the love
Maybe you would learn to put away your confusion
In this heaven of pleasure we could soothe your pain
Together, we could strum the woodland music
And together, learn that the world needs friends
Relaxing on the soil from which blooms all life

Can you teach me the meaning of life?
Can we forget the memory of broken love?
In this shade, on this rock, without confusion
In these earthy places, we’ll manufacture no pain
Far from separated cities, forget their dark music
Relaxing and singing with our chirping friends

Can you teach me that life is nothing without friends?
Can we learn that breathing is vital to life?
Floating on this river, upstream always to love
Swimming away from the whirlpools of confusion
Sunburn and soreness will be our only pain
The leaves falling upon us to silent music

Your heartbeat will drive my loving music
(It can.) We live, we walk like our new friends
The dirt the berries the fruit of the land is life
Silent as we stalk, holding hands we walk, to love
Damn the departing highways luring to confusion
Heading outward from utopia, ignoring the pain

Slipping away I find you, returning to the pain
Rhythms now blurring, I feel a loss of music
You say I will still have my little furry friends
You say you’re trapped by fear of a better life
Darkness, now falling, strips away seldom-found love
As I stare into the face of horrid new-found confusion

Familiar face of confusion wracked by my partner, pain
Singing songs with no music about my furry friends
Shaded by leafy life and still looking for love

Wikipedia entry on Sestina

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