We’re The Ones

By Wil C. Fry, March 18, 2000, 00:22

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Down the street there’s a guy who will sell you whatever you want
The kind of stuff that will put your head in outer space
And your body on a roller coaster in Florida
And your soul on the ocean floor
We call him the scum of society
But we’re the ones buying

Next door there’s a girl who will sell you whatever you want
The kind of stuff that your wife wouldn’t do in a million years
And she doesn’t care if you cuddle afterward
Or whether you clean up around the house
We call her a criminal
But we’re the ones buying

At the record store you can buy any kind of music you want
The kind of stuff that you wouldn’t let your kids listen to
They say they kill cops and each other
And they use every word in the book
We call them vile and demented
But we’re the ones buying

Uptown at the stadium you can watch your favorite gladiators
The kind of people that your kids idolize
The ones that do drugs, commit crimes
And play as dirty as they can
We say they’re not worth their salaries
But we’re the ones buying

Up at the capital there are those who will say whatever you want
The kind of stuff that the polls say will help them win
They’ll lower your taxes and clean up your streets
Then make your kids smarter and your doctors cheaper
We know they’re lying vermin
But we’re the ones voting

So isn’t about time we shut our f***ing mouths about everyone else’s problems
Especially since it’s our own weaknesses that create them
And looked in our own backyards?
And cleaned the underside of our own friggin’ toilets?
We’re not too happy with our lives
But we’re the ones living them

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