When Shots Are Fired

By Wil C. Fry, Aug. 1, 2000, 22:00

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Free, free, I’m not free
I want to live, but you won’t let me
Free, free, what does it mean?
I got no joy, and I got no green
Free, free, sign your name
Get some freedom and play the game
Free, free, sing your songs
And tell me I’ve been free all day long

I walk these streets, I smell these dumpsters
Yes, we are very free, free to trash our world
I’m free to lock my door at night
Free to duck when shots are fired
Free to pay my bills and drink my beer
No, wait. I live in a “dry” town, so I have to go somewhere else to be free to drink my beer
I’m free to smoke my cigarettes — as long as I’m not in a government building, or in a restaurant
    or a bar or around children, or as long as no one near me is breathing, or...
        okay, so I can’t smoke
Free to recycle, free to use products that aren’t tested on animals
Free to speak my mind, unless someone’s feelings might be hurt, or as long as no one’s offended
Free to drive the speed limit, free to pay my involuntary income taxes
Free to obey all the laws, free to hide my flaws
Free to be censored, free to have protected sex with a monogamous, heterosexual partner,
    free to go to jail, free to wait in lines, free to be unimportant, free to...

The only way to be free is to rule the world
    —and be the only one in that world.

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