Your Creed

By Wil C. Fry, June 24, 2000, 00:50:02

Copyright © 2000 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

What is your creed? What are the beliefs that shape you?
And I’m tired of hearing you spout out those same tired lines
If you really believed that, wouldn’t your life be different?
I’ve heard you cuss, I’ve seen you drunk, and there was that girl
Yeah, you’re a great guy and all, but I ask that you be honest
With yourself, with me, with the world — who are you, really?
Because you claim that Christ guides your life, shapes your soul
But I don’t think it’s the same Christ that I know

What is your creed? Where are your streetlights, your signposts?
Do you have phantoms for guidelines and ghosts for rules?
Can you honestly explain to me the underlying reasons for your life?
The reason you wake up in the morning, or take a breath of air
Maybe you’ve never asked yourself these questions, by yourself
Perhaps it’s about time you found out where you get your motivation
But please don’t tire me with old quotations, things I’ve heard before
Is your life really just a cliché? Then, I ask ... Why?

I couldn't care less what creed someone chooses, but it sure bugs me when someone claims to be of a particular religion yet clearly acts otherwise.

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