Faraway faces and faraway times

By Wil C. Fry, May 22, 2001, 21:30

Copyright © 2001 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Faraway faces
And faraway times
They always plague my dreams
And leave me with that bittersweet feeling
I wish I was back there, with them
But I’m glad it’s gone
I miss the camaraderie
The laughs we shared
There, across the table
The same table we always shared
And the nonsense we talked about
And knowing that they’d protect me from anything
Even from myself
But I don’t miss the pain
The pain we knew
That always rode with us
The breakups
The fights
The long and crazy nights
Trying to find a ride home
In the middle of the night
And feeling like worn boot leather in the morning
I don’t miss that
Maybe my life is just too quiet now
Without those faces
Those mixed-up days
And maybe they’ve changed their ways
I know I have
For the better
I have loosed many of those old fetters
But I’m not quite flying free
Like I thought I should be
And now I can’t figure out what’s holding me down
It’s just that there’s no one around
So I sit and wish I could still have those
Faraway faces
And faraway times

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