I’m just tired

By Wil C. Fry, June 3, 2001, 20:53

Copyright ゥ 2001 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

I知 so tired of fast food restaurants
With their dirty tables and back-lit menu boards
With their underpaid employees and lukewarm food
But I can稚 afford much more, unless I want to cook
And I知 tired of cooking, too
I知 tired of cleaning up this s**thole that I call a home
And I知 tired of working so hard to pay the rent
Although it痴 not that much
I知 tired of living next to the highway
Hearing the cross-country trucks
As they blow up their dust
And the road noise keeps me awake at night
But I probably wouldn稚 get any sleep anyway
And I知 tired of that, too
Lying in bed with my eyes open, the lights out
Knowing I have to wake up so early
I知 tired of waking up so early, to get the day started
And then doing the same damn thing I did yesterday
And the day before
Knowing I知 getting older the whole time
And I知 tired of getting older
Feeling more tired each day, and emptier too
Writing this depressing crap, every time I feel down
But when I feel good, I don稚 have to time to write
So everyone that reads my work someday
Will think I was depressed all the time, or bored silly
And I知 tired of everyone always forming
Their ignorant opinions of me
Acting like they want to know me
But really just listening long enough
To think of the next thing they want to say
And I知 tired of all the ignorant things
That people have to say
Most of it just fluff to make themselves feel better
Because they池e disappointed with their own lives
Hell, I知 just tired.

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