My Apology To Poe

By Wil C. Fry, May 20, 2001, 23:23

Copyright © 2001 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

I heard the ringing of the bell
The single, solitary, tolling bell
Cringing at the announcement of Hell
The swelling of the telling bell
That told me of the opening of Hell
I didn't need the bell
To tell me that I fell
It was enough to smell
To smell the stench of Hell
I knew I wasn't the first
To have my swelling heart burst
From the flames, since I smelled the smell
Of the burning fires of others who heard the bell
Nor was I the first, nor the worst
Of all who had their souls to sell
Of all who ended up in Hell
But still, I heard the bell

Copied from my "Darker Blue Notebook".

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