The Line

By Wil C. Fry, Jan. 10, 2001

Copyright © 2001 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

You there!
(Standing at the front of the line...)
While you stand around griping,
The rest of us are wasting time.
See that lady there?
It’s not her fault the price ain’t right.
She wasn’t in here, hanging tags all night.
Look at me;
I’ve got my cash in my hand.
While you scribble in your checkbook,
I’m forced to idly stand.
Since you weren’t ready to check out and pay,
Maybe you should return on another day.
If you’re not qualified to buy your own food,
Maybe you should hire somebody who could.

You, there!
We’re still back here.
All ten of us.
Waiting for you.

Expressing frustration with the slower pace of life in Seminole, Okla., after living there for only four months.

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