2002 Poem Index

By Wil C. Fry

All poems are Copyright © 2002 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Jan. 20 • 24:00:Untitled
Jan. 21 • 00:30:Never The Right Ones
Jan. 21 • 00:45:B.E.S.H.
Jan. 23 • 22:45:Stepping Over
Jan. 23 • 22:56:If My Dreams
Jan. 30 • 22:36:Let Me Drive

Feb. 17 • 01:51:Untitled
Feb. 18 • 00:21:Not Being Famous
Feb. 18 • 00:28:Scratchy
Feb. 18 • 00:33:What’s Up?
Feb. 18 • 00:36:Nights Long Forgotten
Feb. 18 • 00:52:Thank God
Feb. 26:A Poem Without A Title

March 18 • 01:00:Untitled
March 18 • 22:10:Do Androids Dream?
March 18 • 22:20:Brainiac Timeline
March 18 • 22:25:Severed Dreamscapes
March 19 • 22:47:For the love of [blank] is the
Root of All That is Evil
March 19 • 22:51:This Silver Ring I Wear
March 19 • 23:02:In Unspoken Response To Zoolander
March 20 • 23:21:On Computers And Farming

April 17 • 22:10:As Of Setting Sun
April 18 • 23:00:Untitled
April 30:Way Too Fast

July 1 • 01:23:Untitled
July 25 • 19:01:Untitled

Aug. 11 • 11:45:Untitled

Sept. 22:Untitled

Dec. 15:Sex

I wrote 29 poems in 2002, a huge drop from my 2000-2001 totals. One explanation is that I got a job with a newspaper in late ‘01 and so I wrote everyday in that capacity. Another explanation is that my mind and hormones were finally calming down from my intense Arkansas days.

However, 2002 is still in the more prolific half of all my poetry-writing years, mainly due to the first three months. Note that the first three months averaged 7 poems per month, while the final nine months of the year averaged less than one per month.