
By Wil C. Fry, Jan. 21, 2002, 00:45

Copyright © 2002 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Four men were walking upon one lonely road
Searching out happiness, but carrying heavy loads
One, who led them at first, was named Brain
Who coolly thought and considered on the lane
Another, Ego, wanted only to be admired,
Whether for looks, brawn, money, or attire.
Soul was the third man, hungry for attraction
Drawn to poetry, parties, women and action.
Following these three was Heart, meek and mild,
Who loved family and friends and every child.
Brain tried vainly to keep the others on track,
Planning each route, preparing, not looking back,
While Ego blustered and bragged and waved;
Help to the others he never gave.
Soul told jokes, pondered the past, got scared,
But for practical matters he never cared.
Heart would help any who asked, always giving;
Protected the others, and enjoyed living.
All capable men, in their own way,
They managed to get lost every single day.
Thru many days of hunger and cold,
The men realized they were getting old.
It was Brain and Heart who said they’d rather
Find their way by working together.
Soul went along, thinking it would be fun.
Ego, wanting his pride back, agreed to come.
All four, in unity, each helping the other,
Found their way back on the road, with little bother.
The moral of the tale, if you can’t see,
Is that you should bind yourself in unity.
Find all your pieces, your heart, your soul, and brain,
Then make a plan and do it, and Ego will be fine again.

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