Nights Long Forgotten

By Wil C. Fry, Feb. 18, 2002, 00:36

Copyright © 2002 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Nights long forgotten are here to haunt me now
Maybe to bring a smile
Remembering the flashing strobes
Thumping bass notes
Bumping bed springs
And all the other things
That made those years so fun
Where I’ll be in five years, only a psychic knows
Unless you can tell me where the wind blows
Yeah, we had our good times
And, sure, we had our fights
But no one can convince me
That I wasted all those nights
Waking just after dusk
Smelling vampire musk
And feeling the night start to live
Waking to hear the traffic dying down
The lights fading from my view
Driving to the nightclubs, looking for you
Worried that morning would come too soon
Daylight bringing the gloom of knowing that it was ending
At least until the sun went down again
So we could return to the night
Our shell where our faces were shaded
Our hearts were scathed and jaded
I have to admit I loved every minute of it
So I could numb, fly, live and covet
Now, those nights all blur into one long
Stretch of party, smoke, drink and song
And someday, I won’t remember them at all
When the Long Night makes its final fall

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