2003 Poem Index

By Wil C. Fry

All poems are Copyright © 2003 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Jan. 5:What About

Feb. 5:Untitled

March 17:On Up
March 19 • 21:00:Tonight

May 20 • 22:38:As If

June 23:On Observing the Murder
Case of Rocky Ward
June 30:A Poetic Portrait of Becky W.

July 9 • 22:04:Crushed
July 9 • 22:10:Blot Away
July 9 • 22:18:Grandpa's Ghost
July 9 • 22:22:Almost Immune
July 9 • 22:34:Raunchy Freedom
July 9 • 22:40:Lonely Whole
July 9 • 22:47:By The All
July 9 • 22:52:Haven't Died

Sept. 2 • 23:17:Our Birthright
Sept. 11 • 23:20:The Birth of Strength
Sept. 11 • 23:29:Wet The Soul
Sept. 11 • 23:33:To Be Discarded
Sept. 11 • 23:36:Characters In A Movie
Sept. 11 • 23:40:Midnight Song
Sept. 11 • 23:43:Crying Over Wasted Time
Sept. 11 • 23:47:A Stranger's Photograph
Sept. 11 • 23:51:Winters' Horizon

Oct. 23 • 23:00:Oh My God

The eight poems on July 9 represented not only a per-day record for Wil, but a per-hour record. All eight were written in the span of 48 minutes, averaging six minutes apiece.

The eight poems on Sept. 11 tied the mark set on July 9, both for poems per day, and for poems per hour. All eight were written in the span of 31 minutes, averaging 3 minutes, 53 seconds apiece.)

So 16 of the year's 25 poems were written during those 79 minutes.