2004 Poem Index

By Wil C. Fry

All poems are Copyright © 2004 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Jan. 15 • 00:26:Something Wrong With The Mirror Tonight
Jan. 17 • 22:39:I Think I'd Live Through Them Again
Jan. 19 • 23:17:This Girl On The Train
Jan. 19 • 23:26:The Mystery That Brews
Jan. 19 • 23:30:Just For A Moment
Jan. 19 • 23:37:Waking Up Again
Jan. 19 • 23:59:Fight Beyond Today
Jan. 20 • 00:01:Won't Let Her Slip
Jan. 20 • 00:11:For All That Shall Arise
July 2 • 00:16:Omen
July 2 • 00:40:Credit Card Companies
July 2 • 00:50:Never, No More
July 2 • 00:59:Reddish Moon
July 2 • 01:10:O'er The Ramparts

I wrote 14 poems in 2004, all of them in two spurts: Jan. 15-20 and on July 2. This was more than a year before I met Marline. Taken as a group, these poems are decidedly more hopeful in tone than in previous years, in a few cases bordering on the optimistic and even triumphant.