A Rap About A Rap About A Nap

By Wil C. Fry, 2013.10.11, 13:13

(Copyright © 2013 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

Today I rapped a rap
About taking a nap
It wasn’t very long
And it wasn’t very phat

(This here ain’t the rap
That I rapped about the nap
This is a phat sack rhyme
That I penned a later time)

I wrote it for my girl
And I wrote it my boy
I rapped it clean and fast
So the crying wouldn’t last

I danced back and forth
Like a silly, crazy man
Distracting the emotions
With a wave of my hand

A shake of my head
And a bump of my hips
A 40-year-old white guy
With spittle on his lips

The baby and the toddler
They were taken aback
All the crying was ceasing
As they heard my rap attack

A few minutes later
Both were sound asleep
Snug in their beds
Not making a peep

So I learned something
Early this afternoon
Sometimes a rap
Is better than a tune

I actually did write a rap about a nap earlier this day, but it was freestyle — unrecorded and unwritten, performed with much gusto but now forgotten

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