2014 Poem Index

All poems are Copyright © 2014 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.

Jan. 4 • 23:00:From What Was Born
Jan. 22 • 21:03:Only Space
Jan. 22 • 23:22:On the way down

Feb. 5:Fully Clear
Feb. 13 • 19:51:Just A Break

March 5 • 02:04:Getting Better
March 5 • 04:03:Insomnia V
March 9 • 21:59:Disconnected
March 27 • 22:33:Closing In
March 27 • 22:39:A Moment Alone
March 27 • 22:50:E.S.D.C.

May 6 • 23:59:Nights In Summer
May 8 • 22:31:One Through Ten
May 10 • 09:56:If You Think
May 28 • 23:13:That Never Shone
May 28 • 23:24:Fickle Is My Inspiration
May 28 • 23:40:Idly Drift Away
May 28 • 23:59:Reality Didn’t Match

June 3 • 00:05:Unglued
June 8 • 20:17:Fourteen Ago
June 10 • 00:01:Just Once
June 13 • 22:44:I Can Do Better
June 18 • 22:38:One Of These Days
June 18 • 23:00:Overthinking

July 5 • 23:59:My Own Way
July 7 • 00:05:Midnight
July 14 • 23:59:Another Midnight
July 15 • 00:05:Might Not Leave A Trace
July 15 • 00:19:Everything Is Temporary
July 15 • 00:29:Like Clouds
July 26 • 23:40:The Day I Gave Up

Aug. 7 • 14:30:Falling Awake
Aug. 25 • 11:45:And They Cried Like This
Aug. 29 • 11:28:Just Sign The Check

Sept. 4 • 15:37:I’m To Blame
Sept. 12 • 23:00:What If We Flew?
Sept. 13 • 23:04:Should I?
Sept. 15 • 12:53:Water Under The Bridge
Sept. 17 • 23:34:Serfs, After All These Years
Sept. 20 • 12:29:Not Making Sense
Sept. 20 • 13:54:Untitled
Sept. 20 • 14:10:Butterfly
Sept. 20 • 14:19:Judge Not, Lest Ye...
Sept. 21 • 07:31:42
Sept. 21 • 10:25:I Won’t Miss
Sept. 29 — 23:25:Refine

Oct. 4 — 22:32:Unoriginal
Oct. 12 — 12:00:Holding My Son
Oct. 17 — 22:26:Some Time After 1972
Oct. 17 — 23:19:Rebuild A Worldview
Oct. 18 — 23:26:A Monster In Your Mind
Oct. 19 — 23:12:Autumn, A Little Late

Nov. 29 — 20:46:November’s Ending

Dec. 20 — 22:11:Just How Contrary
Dec. 20 — 22:29:The Good News
Dec. 20 — 22:46:With Clearing Eyes


I wrote 56 poems in 2014, the most since 2001 (122), and more than 2004-13 combined (47). This was my fifth-most prolific year in 31 years of writing poetry.

The four poems on May 28 (and again on Sept. 20) were the most written in one day since July 2, 2004. The seven poems in May (and again in July) were the most in one month since January 2004, and then the 12 poems in September were the most in a month since October 2001. By November, I had lost steam.

Also note the spurts: Three poems in 17 minutes on March 27; four poems in 46 minutes on May 28; four poems in 30 minutes on July 14-15; six poems in two days on Sept. 20-21. This is evidence of what I already know — that sometimes I experience bursts of creativity, while other times weeks (or years) will pass without such a thought.