Just Once

By Wil C. Fry, 2014.06.10, 00:08

(Copyright © 2014 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

I heard the Voice just once
In March of Ninety-one
    Talking about marriage
    Fifteen years early
Yes that’s what he done

I felt a Touch just once
On a cold November night
    Two in the morning
    Empty apartment
Cold sweats? You got that right

I saw no Signs — not once
Though I looked everywhere
    Not for lack of asking
    Not for lack of fasting
I looked; they just weren’t there

"March of Ninety-one": March 22, 1991: praying at the CBC chapel, Springfield, Mo.
"a cold November night": Nov. 26, 1999: while typing in Jacksonville, Ark.

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