Reality Didn’t Match

By Wil C. Fry, 2014.05.28, 23:59

(Copyright © 2014 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

Was it a hoax or a dream we all shared?
Hoping for change from a man who should have cared
A bright and shining light, though rumor shadowed his birth
Rose to become the most powerful man on Earth
A chance for the poor, the sick, and the Other
But reality didn’t match the dreams from his father
As he collapsed under the weight of lofty ideals
Becoming endeafened to the lowly appeals
The myth of him younger is remembered with a smile
But shrouded by flying robots and corpses they compile
Randomly ignoring which rights to defend
Insisting on various lies ‘til the end
The audacity of his hope to record every call
Left a sickening taste in the mouths of us all
And now the man who before us stands
Is nothing like the man who began

Expressing the liberals’ disappointment in Barack Obama.

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