Aging & The Cosmos

By Wil C. Fry, 2015.12.26, 07:32

(Copyright © 2015 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

The science is irrefutable, indisputable
The evidence is mounting, and plain
I’m steadily growing ever older
And so is that part I call my brain

Just as the universe is slowly crossed
By a beam of star-born light
My hair is incrementally graying
Getting closer to white

Gravitational forces that swing the planets,
Comets, moons, and stars with ease
Shorten my spine, ache my feet, bow my head
And work a number on my knees

Just as the fading cosmic energy will someday
Leave the universe dark and cold
I too will cease my movements about this place
At the end of growing old

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