Whole-World Problems

or: ‘Fairy-Tale Land’

By Wil C. Fry, 2015.04.04, 23:55

(Copyright © 2015 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

I want twenty-four hours of quiet and peace
On multiple, non-consecutive occasions
I want to see children’s suffering cease
In every religion-ruled backwater nation

I want equality between all women and men
In pay and protection and respect and law
I want a cashier who can count past ten
And subtract on her own to spark my awe

I want a vehicle that just won’t pollute
And that folds up to fit into my closet
I want Hollywood to quit making movie reboots
And movies that hear interruptions and pause it

I want cities where police departments aren’t needed
I want diseases to be cured instead of treated
And all the warnings about global warming to be heeded
And scientists to be able to research unimpeded

I want the English language to be fixed
Because letters like Q and X can be nixed
And find sensible ways for verbs to conjugate
And allow words like f**k but not words like hate

I want a billion dollars for third-world constructions
Instead of advertising spending for upcoming elections
And food for the homeless instead of more arrests
And learning in schools instead of standardized tests

I want to pay taxes to build things for people’s needs
Instead of warring with nations because of different creeds
I want to build bridges instead of more bombs
And elect more transgender kids as Queengs of the proms

There are other things I want, but these are a good start

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