His Skin

By Wil C. Fry, 2016.07.19, 23:24

(Copyright © 2016 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

You were so nice to me
I thought you’d be nice to my friend
Then I saw you looking at his skin

You said it wasn’t hate, but
You knew “some things about his kind”
Some things you told me that never sat right in my mind

In the end, you didn’t accept him
Was it his manner, or just your fear?
But please don’t wonder why I don’t want you near

“I’m not racist, but—” seems to be the mantra of the 21st-Century U.S.ian racist. It’s very similar to “I’m not homophobic, but—”, in that almost everyone who’s ever begun a sentence this way goes on to say something racist or homophobic. “I’m not racist, but I don’t think they should be marrying white people” — is actually something I’ve heard grown-up people say, and actually believe it’s not a racist thing to say. “I don’t hate gay people; I just think we should be allowed to discriminate against them” is uttered today by thousands (millions?) of people who seriously believe that it doesn’t qualify as hate to say it.