Nothing If Not Mediocre

By Wil C. Fry, 2016.05.17, 21:52

(Copyright © 2016 by Wil C. Fry. All rights reserved.)

I thought I was destined for greatness
I figured I had what it takes
But nothing I did was ever enough
And they kept raising the stakes

Now I’m just a guy that’s average
In almost every measurable way
Living the ironic American Dream
With so little left to say

I could have done it differently
I would be better had I tried
Instead I’m nothing if not mediocre
Living quietly without pride

And it’s quite all right, I tell you
Nothing is out of place
Structured and planned and expected
Moving at a slower pace

I’ve nothing to fear and little to hide
Because of risks I didn’t take
Brief inspirations quickly tamped down
As I feel my spirit break

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