Wild and heady days
Educational haze
When I was seventeen
Constant crushing daze
Hokey hormonal maze
When I was seventeen
“If you could say one thing to your
former self, what would it be?”
I would slap that shit-eating grin
Straight off my pimply face and then
Pummel myself into oblivion
I’d tell myself a tale
About heartbreak and jail
Plus poverty and fear
Cigarettes and beer
Yes, give me that time machine
To when I was seventeen
I’d save myself some money
A whole hell of a lot of time
Give myself some harsh advice
Before I wasted life in my prime
I wish I’d known what I’ve now seen
When I was seventeen
Going through all my years of writing poetry, I couldn't find a single poem writting on
November 17, so I decided to write one. The date became my title, and the rest came from