

Who I’m Boycotting

And The Reasons Why

Copyright © 2020 by Wil C. Fry. All Rights Reserved.

Published 2018.09.23, Updated 2020.07.09

Home > Wil > Boycotts

I realize personal boycotts are next-to-useless (when compared to mass boycotts), but for me it’s a matter of principle. I won’t willingly support any companies that outright promote evil in the world. They can get their money from someone else. These I call “hard boycotts” below. I won’t subsidize them in any way. Other companies either (1) seem to be participating in an evil without truly being aware, or (2) I sometimes don’t have a choice. These, I try to stay away from them but can’t call them outright boycotts. Below I refer to these as “soft boycotts”.

Hard Boycotts

Following are companies I won’t patronize in any way until they withdraw their support for harmful ideologies and/or practices.

Amazon April 2018 Multiple
Tucker Carlson (all sponsors) 2018.10.02 List
Goya brand foods 2020.07.09 Reason
Laura Ingraham (all sponsors) 2018.10.02 List
Metroplex Hospital (Killeen) 2013 It’s A Church
National Football League 2010s Multiple
Walgreens 2018 Bad Practice

Soft Boycotts

Following are companies I try to avoid when possible (but probably sometimes will spend money or time there) because their practices are harmful — but I either sometimes can’t avoid them or don’t think they’re quite as bad as those in the “hard boycott” category above. In some cases (like fast food), the entire industry isn’t great, and I some offenders seem worse than others. For these, I will look for better options when available and spend as little as possible at these companies.

Pizza Hut 2018 Reason
Chick-fil-A 2016 Reason
McDonald’s 2018 Reason
Walmart 2009
In-N-Out 2017 Multiple

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