

My Political Platform

Copyright © 2012 & 2020 by Wil C. Fry

Published 2012.11.23, Last updated 2020.10.17

Home > About Wil > My Political Positions

My positions on various political/social issues are listed below, described as succinctly and clearly as I know how, sometimes including links to longer explanations. Use the ••• menu to navigate this page.

Global Warming / Climate Change

The science is clear that (1) the Earth has been warming for generations, (2) humanity is at least partially responsible for it, (3) we should take immediate action to counteract our negative influence on the climate, and (4) if I was a single-issue voter, this would be that issue. For the long term, this is the single biggest crisis facing our species.

• More: My Position On Climate Change

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Protect the environment for the benefit of humans. The ecology is important because we live there. It should be studied, cared for, helped, and kept in a healthy balance. I have never held a different positiion on this topic, and have never understood the opposition.

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Economics, Taxes, And Wealth/Income Inequality

Unfettered capitalism is intrinsically, inherently harmful — requiring the majority to be classified as labor and consumers who serve only to feed the minority owner class. While anyone can become successful, everyone can’t. The free market makes no allowance for those who fall through the cracks. I favor a heavily progressive income tax system, with “income” redefined to include capital gains, dividends, interest, etc. — the kinds of income that the wealthy rely on and the poor rarely have access to. Sales tax on necessary items is inherently punitive to the poor and should only be allowed on luxury items.

Wealth hoarding is morally wrong; opulence is theft. I favor a “maximum wage” law, stiffer estate taxes, and a guaranteed basic income.

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Racism / Race / Ethnicity

In real life, there are no races. Genetic science is clear: humans are of one species; There is more genetic variance within each perceived race than between “races”. If you lined up every human in the world, sorted by a particular feature (darkest to lightest skin, or widest to narrowest nose, as two examples), there would be no spot in the line at which you could say one person was different from the person next to them in that respect.

Unfortunately, racism continues to exist, both as biases in human minds and in certain systems of power and control throughout society. Some humans continue to be treated differently due to race. If that’s you, stop it. If it’s not you, at least recognize that racism is systemic in our society and help us put a stop to it. Choosing to treat others as less than oneself due to perceived differences is outlandishly absurd. Denying that racism exists is even more absurd.

• More: Am I (A) Racist?

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Two-Party System

Though neither of the U.S.’s major political parties is great, one is demonstrably worse than the other in almost every category. Our immediate goal should be to vote for the lesser of two evils — to defeat the greater of the two evils. A longterm goal can be to end the stranglehold of the two-party duopoly in U.S. politics (by some combination of ranked-choice voting, public funding of campaigns, and/or other means).

• More: The Greater Of Two Evils

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There is no logical or practical reason for humanity to be separated into hundreds of separate nations. Eventually, all of humanity will become a sort of “one nation” with various regional governments. It’s not only logical for the fair treatment of all humanity, but it’s probably inevitable. To argue against this is a waste of time.

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Gun Control / Gun Rights

I own a firearm and have been around them my entire life. However, I am strongly in favor of stricter regulations on gun ownership and purchase — including higher age limits, required (and regular) safety courses, and even safety tests — much like driving exams. Closing all loopholes to universal background checks also seems like a good idea. It will never make sense to me for untrained citizens to have unfettered access to weapons of war.

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War / Peace

Violence should only ever be a last resort, whether on a personal or national level. Though individuals and nations should have the right to self-defense, it is absurd to go out of one’s way to attack someone at a distance and then call it “self-defense”.

It is ruthlessly Orwellian to call the U.S. military “defense” while we are engaged in overseas conflicts started by us.

Euthanasia / The Right To Die

No government, religion, family member, or any other person or group should have authority over whether an individual chooses to end her or his life. Current U.S. law could be described as “forced life”. It is unconscionable to me that people who are certain to die of painful and drawn-out illnesses are prohibited from ending their own lives. Even in cases where people are not in pain, there exists no legitimate argument for forcing them to live. Everyone should have the right to end his or her own life, with or without medical help.

I have never held a different positiion on this topic, and have never understood the opposition.

• More: My Position On The Right To Die

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Every argument against abortion is fallacious; none is convincing. It is immoral to force anyone to be pregnant or give birth against her will. Notably, the only way to reduce abortions (if that is one’s goal) is to reduce unwanted pregnancies, and there are known ways of doing so.

I once held the opposite viewpoint on this topic; therefore I do know and understand the reasoning of the opposition. However, each argument fails under examination.

• More: My Position On Abortion

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We in the U.S. spend more per capita on health care than any other nation, yet we’re not the healthiest or happiest by a long shot. The ACA fixed a few symptoms but failed to get at the root problem, which is healthcare-for-profit. It is immoral to restrict life-saving and preventative healthcare to only those with plenty of money.

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Immigration, both legal and illegal, only exists due to arbitrary national borders, which will hopefully someday disappear. Humanity will eventually recognize we are all in this together.

But while we do still have borders, it’s important to recognize that every person in the United States is descended from someone who came from elsewhere. Our nation is stronger due to diversity; the economy is strengthened by new workers and new taxpayers; almost every fear or worry about immigration is misplaced and based on falsehoods (and often racism).

It’s ridiculous to suggest deporting millions of people who are already here and already contributing to our economy and tax base. It would cost less and be better for everyone concerned if we granted citizenship. It is immoral to turn away those seeking asylum.

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Same-Sex Marriage / LGBTQ+ Rights

No one should be denied rights or services based on sexual orientation, gender identification, or other related topics.

I have never held a different positiion on this topic, and have never understood the opposition. (When I was religious, I did believe homosexuality was a “sin” — because I had been taught to believe it — but I never thought the government should punish people for it.)

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Feel free to study and exercise any religion that you like — as long as it’s not violating other people’s rights. Recognize that yours isn’t the only religion protected by the First Amendment in this country, and that the government is protected from all of them.

While organized religion in the U.S. has sometimes supported progressive moves (including abolition, civil rights, and helping the poor), it has also often been on the opposing side, resisting almost any change that might possibly be associated with progressivism, science, or liberalism. In a few cases, religion is behind the legalized homicide of children.

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Judicial Activism

In my experience, most people favor judicial activism when the outcome is favorable to their side, but oppose judicial activism when the outcome is favorable to the other side. I welcome it in cases where it’s someone in power speaking up for the powerless, as in civil rights cases. Many times, however, it’s simply a case of a judge promoting their own personal beliefs above the law.

In general, judges should be guided by the law and the constitution on which the law rests, both the letter and the spirit thereof, not by their own views. If a judge thinks a law or the constitution is inadequate or incorrect, he or she can lobby to correct that through the normal processes just like anyone else.

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Marijuana Legalization

Marijuana isn’t hurting anyone in any way that can’t be alleviated by making it legal, yet it’s taxing our justice and legal systems. Law enforcement in this country makes a pot-related arrest every 42 seconds, comprising about five percent of all arrests (source). More than 12 percent of all state and federal inmates are serving time for marijuana, costing taxpayers more than a billion dollars every year and crowding already filled facilities. Further, marijuana arrests are heavily skewed toward ethnic minorities, though white report using and selling marijuana at similar rates.

Marijuana smoking should be banned in all places that tobacco use is prohibited: planes, theaters, restaurants, stores, public transportation, etc., mainly because it stinks to high heaven, and of course should be taxed and controlled, similarly to how alcohol and tobacco are currently governed.

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Daylight Saving Time

It plain doesn’t make sense, and causes more harm than good. Most of the world doesn’t observe it and it’s time the U.S. stopped too.

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States Rights

I believe it’s time to stop thinking of the U.S.A. as many dozens of separate states (“state” is synonymous with nation or country) and think more in terms of one nation with various regions.

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American Exceptionalism

People who claim the U.S. is the “best country on Earth” need to be more specific. I could only find a handful of good categories in which the U.S. is ranked #1 (Olympic medal count, for example). In many ways, we’re among the worst of the “developed” nations. And we spend a lot of time and effort on getting worse.

More: We’re Number One! (In Almost Nothing Good)